Our kitty, Rashi, is our life, and we are so thankful to Dr. Laura and Cheryl that we are able to spend more time with him.

Rashi has severe GI disease, and for over a year and a half, we struggled to find the right combination of diet and medication for him — anything that would not upset his unbelievably sensitive stomach. Well, we can safely say that there is not a single commercial diet that Rashi can tolerate. Because his GI tract is so diseased, he doesn’t process prescription medication very well either, so that option was also not available to us.

We had basically tried all the prescription foods and all the medications, and nothing was working. We really thought we were going to lose Rashi. By some miracle, we found Dr. Laura at this critical juncture. She was so understanding and thorough, and she recognized the urgency of the situation, working around the clock to formulate a recipe for Rashi just in time. As if severe GI disease were not enough, Rashi also has heart disease and kidney disease, so we really needed a very special recipe that would support all three conditions, and Dr. Laura absolutely delivered.

Dr. Laura is also extremely devoted to her patients. We needed to go through four different formulations with Rashi before we found the right recipe. As if the combination of GI, heart and kidney disease were not enough, Rashi has severe arthritis, which makes it difficult for him to pass stool. Not only did the nutrients and minerals need to be just right, the moisture and fiber content were equally as important, so that Rashi did not struggle or feel pain in the litter box.

Throughout this (terribly complicated) process, Dr. Laura was so incredibly patient with us. We finally found the right balance, and to this day, over a year and a half later, we are still feeding Rashi Dr. Laura’s magic formula! We just think the world of Dr. Laura — for her knowledge, her dedication and her kindness.

We know that as Rashi continues to get older, he will continue to need support from Dr. Laura and Cheryl, and we are so, so grateful to have them as invaluable members of Rashi’s care team. We cannot recommend their services enough.

Cindy C.

We can’t recommend Whole Pet Provisions enough! From the very first consultation, we knew we were in good hands. Our husky, Odin, was born with congenital kidney defects and couldn’t tolerate any commercial renal diets. We were worried sick and felt completely lost. That’s when we found Dr. Gaylord. She took the time to understand Odin’s unique needs and created a personalized nutrition and supplement plan that was easy to follow and worked! Dr. Gaylord and her team are incredibly knowledgeable, patient, kind and understanding. Within a short time, we started to see a difference. With their guidance and support, Odin lived a happy, healthy life eating food he really enjoyed. For that, we are forever grateful! When our husky, Fox, started having pancreatitis episodes, we didn’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks to the customized diet and supplement plan provided, we were able to regulate and manage his issues. Dr. Gaylord’s ongoing nutritional guidance gives us peace of mind knowing Fox is receiving the best nutrition for optimal health. Not to mention, he absolutely loves his food! We’re so grateful for the exceptional care.

Danielle L.

My dog Ruby has her first CCL tear in 2019 and her first surgery the same year as well. I found Dr. Laura by chance online when I was looking for a board certified pet nutritionist that did online appointments and I hit the jack pot! Ruby has been a patient of Dr. Laura for 3 years now and she has helped her in more ways than just losing weight! It took patience, dedication (on my end), and time. Ruby had her second CCL tear in 2023 and her second surgery, which is very common for a dog to tear their other ccl in their other leg. Dr. Laura has provided food formulations, recommendations for food companies, and recommendations on supplements. Ruby is now pounds lighter (at least 15 pounds lighter), is more active, has more energy, and overall has a better quality of life. Dr. Laura has given Ruby this! I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Laura and Cheryl! They are an amazing team, passionate about helping your pet, compassionate, reliable, and amazing! Don’t take my word for it, the pictures of Ruby are proof that by following Dr. Laura’s plan for your pet it will work!

Callie J.

Words cannot express the gratitude we have for Dr. Gaylord. We accidentally stumbled upon the world of feline nutrition after adopting our first kitty, Don Gato. Gato developed multiple urinary blockages that ultimately resulted in a perineal urethrostomy and a 4-hour drive to Mississippi State University with a catheter to perform the surgery. After the surgery, our vet put Gato on a prescription diet that quickly resulted in severe skin irritations and food allergies. It was at this time we began seeking answers and educating ourselves on the importance of feline nutrition and enrichment. Our vet fought us and was not willing to work with alternate diets, so we switched vets and started our engagement with Dr. Gaylord. This was 4 years ago, and we have never looked back.

Dr. Gaylord is one of the most intelligent, empathetic, and interesting people to work with. She is extremely knowledgeable and was quick to formulate a diet for Gato that met all his nutritional needs and our needs. She is and continues to be extremely responsive to all our laymen questions and takes the time to explain every little detail when performing her consult and providing her dietary recommendations. Whenever we need advice or have additional questions, she is quick to respond via email. Her follow through is remarkable and the education on how to feed and treat our kitties has been truly inspiring and informative. Dr. Gaylord and Whole Pet Provisions are invaluable resources and partners in our journey to provide health and happy lives for our most treasured family members.

In 2020 we adopted a second cat, Luna, who also enjoys a delicious and nutritious homemade + commercial diet to maintain her figure. Gato and Luna continue to have bi-annual consultations with Dr. Gaylord and Whole Pet Provisions. They continue to evolve our diet based on changes to their bloodwork, supply issues, and our own ability to make a homemade diet. Gato and Luna are constantly getting comments about how healthy and happy they look and how incredibly soft their coats are. We highly recommend Dr. Gaylord and her team for anyone looking to get educated, improve your pet’s nutrition, or facing issues that conventional veterinary medicine is unable to solve.

Darren Z.

I can’t say enough positive comments about Dr Gaylord. She helped my sweet boy Brogan through a very difficult time. After being diagnosed with a carcinoma mass on his kidney, he was scheduled for surgery followed by 5 sessions of chemotherapy. At the time he was eating dehydrated food and I knew based on his diagnosis I needed to change his diet especially with what was ahead of us. I was fortunate to get connected with Dr. Gaylord. She designed a diet for him. He gained weight which was great as I knew the chemo might impact his eating.  I have to say besides creating the recipe, Dr. Gaylord is very knowledgeable, kind, encouraging, receptive, and provides excellent support!  I am grateful to have found her and take every opportunity I can  to recommend her services.

Sadly my Brogan earned his wings July 27, 2022 at 15.2 years. He was brave and did outlive a terrible prognosis although that doesn’t ease the pain. My heart is shattered. After sharing the news with Dr. Gaylord she expressed compassion, understanding and encouragement. She is a gem!

Jo Ann B.

Our ten-year-old lab was declining in health. Our primary veterinarian wasn’t able to provide a diagnosis, and arranged a consult with the vet school. The vet school suspected possible early renal disease-labwork indicated anemia, glucose and protein in his urine, and he also presented with conjunctivitis. He was  drinking water excessively and urinating  frequently.  His fur was dull and thinning, with some obvious bare spots. We were eventually referred to Dr. Laura who met with us and prescribed a customized, homemade diet to replace the prescription food which he had been on for nearly a year for weight management. Within weeks, the results were dramatic.  His fur was growing back in shiny and thick and his subsequent lab results were all within the normal range. Fluid intake returned to normal as did his potty habits.  Banks just turned thirteen last month and he continues to thrive on his homemade diet!  We credit Dr. Laura for saving his life and are forever grateful. 


“We have been using Laura to formulate diets for us ever since my picky senior dog got sick with multiple serious issues and she has been fantastic every step of the way. After our initial consultation, our blood work even improved because she was finally eating properly. I was so relieved because with Kidney Disease, food is a large part of her health. Laura worked hard to help me with re-formulations later on (and still does) to help keep my picky dog eating. Laura is extremely kind, flexible to my dogs likes, knowledgeable and really cares. Hiring Laura was one of the best choices I’ve made and I’m extremely glad I did.”

Jennifer G.

We have had the most wonderful experience with Dr. Gaylord. We have always felt that nutrition is as important as exercise and love for our dog, and it showed, as she was a healthy and happy 16 year old. Then at 16, her health required changes to her diet. Thankfully, we found Dr Gaylord and she provided solutions and options for our girl’s food refusals and pickiness to her new dog food. We were able to provide super nutritious meals that she was so happy to eat! Dr Gaylord’s knowledge, experience, care and compassion make her a vitally important resource that every pet owner needs. I wish we had known of her sooner! Our family wholeheartedly recommends her to anyone and their treasured pet.

Kathy R.

When my five year old dog was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease and having issues keeping food down after cysts surgery, as well being a bit overweight, my vet suggested hiring a nutritionist. I did not know what to expect as having a nutritionist for a dog was foreign to me.

Through word-of-mouth here in Detroit, I learned of Dr. Gaylord and I am so happy I did. She designed a plan that’s practical, in my budget and most importantly, effective – my dog is responding very well to it ( she loves it!) and digests it better than anything else I’ve tried.

Just in the first couple months, blood work, urine tests and the weight scale show improvements.

Dr. Gaylord researched our dog’s history and issues before designing a plan. She is very detail-oriented. Dr. Gaylord is a great coach. a lovely caring person with practical advice. I felt in great hands.

I have learned a lot and so happy this little treasure of a dog of ours is doing better.

Martha R.

After months of testing and many food and medication trials, my 1 year old GSD was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  She was losing weight and I was totally overwhelmed with all the info online about IBD, so my regular vet suggested we try working with a veterinary nutritionist.  Dr. Laura is board certified and has been absolutely professional and thoughtful in her approach toward helping us.  One of the first questions she asked me was, “What are your goals for your dog?”  She not only wanted to help find a solution for our pup, but one that would work for our family because providing a large dog with a home cooked diet is a commitment.  It has indeed been a journey, but we have gotten Dagney’s symptoms under control and we have our happy pup back thanks to Dr. Laura. I can’t express how grateful I am for her depth of knowledge and her determination to find a solution for us. We definitely could not have done this on our own. 

Michelle B.

Client Testimonials